According to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Vietnam has earned US$ 2.2 billion from exporting agricultural, forestry and fishery products in April 2011, contributing to an export turnover of US$ 8 billion for the first 4 months, an increase of over 43 per cent compared with the same period last year.

Particularly, in the first 4 months, Vietnam exported 2.8 million tonnes of rice, worth US$ 1.4 billion, up 30 per cent in the amount and 22.7 per cent in value.

The item with the second largest value is coffee. Vietnam earned US$ 1.4 billion from exporting 675,000 tonnes of coffee, an increase of over 45 per cent in the amount and doubling in the value.

The growth of exports came from most of the large markets, with the USA as Vietnam’s biggest importer of coffee, accounting for 12.3 per cent of Vietnam’s coffee exports, followed by Germany with 9.8 per cent.

In the first 4 months, rubber exports reached 204,000 tonnes, equivalent to US$ 897 million. The average price of rubber was US$ 4,391 per tonne, US$ 1,751 per ton higher than last year.

Agricultural products went down in amount but up in value, such as cashew nuts and pepper.

Vietnam exported 30,000 tonnes of cashew nuts, worth US$ 275 million, a decline of 85.4 per cent in volume, but an increase of 15 per cent in value.

Pepper exports reached 42,000 tonnes with a turnover of US$ 208 million, a decrease of nearly 5 per cent in volume, but an increase of 53 per cent in value.

Source: HNMO

Translated by Khanh Ly