Accordingly, on August 1-4, Bolikhamxay province (Laos) witnessed historic flooding caused by prolonged rain, leading to more than 14,000 households in Khamkeuth district being severely damaged. Crops, cattle and other assets were submerged.

Attentively, heavy flooding triggered landslides in Deo Dat area, blocking traffic in the area about 80km West of Cau Treo International Border Gate (Ha Tinh province). Landslides caused civilian casualties, buried many vehicles, and greatly damaged people’s property.

Knowing this situation, the Ha Tinh provincial Border Guard Command sent 20 officers and soldiers and three vehicles to the scene for search and rescue operations.

The Vietnamese team coordinated with the local authorities and functional forces to surmount flood consequences and provided people in isolated areas with 100 boxes of instant noodles, fresh water, 100 boxes of dry provisions, medicines, and life jackets, among others.

Fallen trees caused by heavy flooding in Deo Dat area
Landslides in Deo Dat area leading to traffic congestion
The Ha Tinh provincial Border Guard Command giving advice to local authorities to implement measures to overcome flood consequences
Ha Tinh border guards presenting instant noodles, fresh water, dry provisions to Khamkeut district
Lao people in flood-hit areas receiving life jackets, instant noodles, fresh water and dry provisions from Ha Tinh border troops
Senior Colonel Nguyen Ngoc Nguyen, Chief of Staff of the Ha Tinh provincial Border Guard Command, giving food and fresh water to drivers who were stuck on congested roads

Source: baobienphong

Translated by Quynh Oanh