Various forms of dissemination

Joining a dissemination activity about national sea and islands in Lam Dong province, we are impressed with creative and effective forms of dissemination of troops from Brigade 162 of Naval Region 4. Apart from popularizing information about the Party and State’s guidelines, policies and viewpoints on the struggle to protect national sovereignty over sea and islands and typical outcomes in safeguarding sovereignty and border security, Brigade 162 opened exhibitions featuring historical evidence and legal basis affirming Vietnam's territorial sovereignty over the two archipelagos of Hoang Sa (Paracel) and Truong Sa (Spratly); and distributing leaflets to provide useful information for students so that they could easily register to enter military academies and schools.

Delegates making Chung cakes with Truong Sa soldiers on the lunar New Year 2024.

Vu Thi Thuy Nga, Deputy Head of the Science and Education Department under the Dong provincial Party Committee's Commission for Information and Education, shared that the provincial Party Committee's Commission for Information and Education and Brigade 162 has regularly maintained dissemination activities about national sovereignty over sea and islands via various forms, contributing to raising public’s awareness of and love for national sea and islands.

The Party Committee and Command of Naval Service have directed and implemented coordination in dissemination activities about national sea and islands in an effective manner, with a focus on organizing visits to Truong Sa’s islands and DK1 platforms to inquire after on-duty troops and islanders; conducting artistic and cultural activities, search and rescue operations, external defense affairs and implementing policies for troops’ relatives. 

Attentively, since 2019, under the direction of the General Department of Political Affairs, the Naval Service received more than 6,000 reporters from press and news agencies inside and outside the military for popularizing information about the daily life of troops and islanders in Truong Sa island district and DK1 platforms and the result of training and combat readiness of naval troops and islanders.

Keeping looking ahead to national sea and islands

Since 2019, every year, the Naval Service mobilizes 1,600 troops to disseminate information among officials, Party members and local people in the localities. With diverse contents and forms, the dissemination work has helped officials and local people have a better understanding of the struggle to protect national sovereignty over sea and islands; trust in the Party’s leadership of the Party and the State’s management; learn about the difficulties and hardships of forces performing tasks at sea; resolutely fight and refute wrongful viewpoints, and plots of hostile forces attempting to sabotage the Party, Government, and the military, among others.

A student from Di Linh High School, Di Linh district, Lam Dong province talking with an officer from Brigade 162 during a dissemination activity about national sea and islands

Additionally, every year, the Naval Service Command deploys inspection groups and takes many delegates at home and overseas Vietnamese to visit and inquire after troops and islanders on the Truong Sa archipelago and DK1 platforms, contributing to raising their awareness of national sea and islands.

Over the past years, troops across the country and overseas Vietnamese have donated thousands of billions of VND to join hands with the Ministry of National Defense to build houses, offices and civil and cultural projects; as well as ensure facilities and necessities for troops and islanders. By now, 26 historical and cultural projects, 22 cultural houses and great unity houses, medical stations, infirmaries, schools, etc. in Truong Sa’s islands have been built and upgraded. Therefore, Truong Sa and DK1 platforms’ appearance has changed positively, becoming a firm fulcrum at the front line of the Fatherland.

Rear Admiral Pham Van Luyen, Deputy Political Chief of the Naval Service, shared that despite a number of difficulties, coordination in dissemination about national sea and islands has been implemented in a comprehensive and synchronous manner, obtaining practical results. The dissemination work has contributed to providing information, orienting the public's ideology and raising their awareness of the significance of national sea and islands. It has become a front and an important method to help multiply the power to fight and protect national sovereignty over sea and islands and maintain a peaceful and stable environment for national construction and development.

Translated by Quynh Oanh