Naval Senior Captain Pham Dinh Thanh, Deputy Political Commissar of Naval Region 3 attended and chaired the event.

Participating in the program, more than 60 typical young OVs who are living and studying in many countries in the world had a chance to visit the Hall of Fame, take part in training activities on warships, and exchange with officers and soldiers from Naval Region 3’s units.

At the program, the organizing panel presented 500 national flags to Naval Region 3; gave financial support to children of fishermen and handed over 40 gifts to children with disabilities and serious illnesses of officers who are working at Naval Region 3’s agencies and units.

It was part of the activities of the Summer Camp 2024 for young OVs and Ho Chi Minh City youths.

According to Sr. Capt. Pham Dinh Thanh, the program aimed to raise young OVs’ awareness of the nation’s history and culture, their love for national sea and islands, and the great contribution of troops who are performing the task of safeguarding national sovereignty over sea and islands. It was also a practical activity to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the first victory of the Vietnam People’s Navy and the military and people in the North during the resistance war against U.S. imperialists (August 2 and 5, 1964 - 2024).

Sr. Capt. Pham Dinh Thanh speaks at the event.
Delegates at the event
Giving financial support to children of fishermen
Presenting gifts to children with disabilities and serious illnesses
Delegates and youths in a joint photo

Translated by Quynh Oanh