Senior Colonel Nguyen The Manh, Deputy Director of the Department of Political Education and Information, chaired the event.

Sr. Col. Nguyen The Manh delivers a speech at the conference.

During the conference, officers from the Department of Political Education and Information, Naval Service and the Vietnam Coast Guard Command updated delegates with information related to the major contents of the Party Central Committee’s Secretariat’s Directive 32-CT/TW dated April 10, 2024, on enhancing the Party’s leadership over the illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing combat and the fisheries sector’s sustainable development; the Government’s Action Program; and the recent situational developments in East Sea (South China Sea) and the results of the protection of national sovereignty over sea and islands in the first six months of this year.

Meanwhile, delegates were reported on activities of the “Fund for Vietnam's sea and islands” over the past six years and orientations in the coming time.

Speaking at the event, Sr. Col. Nguyen The Manh underscored that the task of protecting national sovereignty over sea and islands has always posed new requirements, emphasizing the significance of the contents disseminated at the conference. Therefore, participating orators should thoroughly acquire these contents and then popularize them to their units to effectively implement the Party and State’s resolutions, guidelines, and policies on national sea and islands, while closely coordinating with other forces to give advice to higher levels and local authorities on promoting dissemination about the task of protecting national sovereignty over sea and islands.

The orators should actively develop new contents and measures to mobilize people, organizations and individuals to contribute to the “Fund for Vietnam’s sea and islands” and complete all targets on socio-economic development.

Translated by Quynh Oanh