PM Pham Minh Chinh at an event on digital transformation

Chairing the 6th meeting of the National Committee on Digital Transformation and a teleconference on digital transformation tasks and a project on population database, e-identification and e-authentication for national digital transformation for the 2022 - 2025 period (Project 06) with a vision towards 2030 in Hanoi on July 12, PM Pham Minh Chinh, who is head of the national committee, hailed positive progress in digital transformation and Project 06 since early this year.

To push forward the above priorities, he underlined the need to mobilize the involvement of the entire political system, people and businesses in a systematic, flexible and drastic manner.

Ministers, heads of sectors, secretaries of Party committees and chairpersons of people’s committees at all levels must give drastic directions and reach consensus on awareness and action to pool the collective power of the political system in the effort, the PM noted.

Apart from fine-tuning policies and mechanisms for national digital transformation and Project 06, ministries, agencies and localities must simplify regulations and administrative procedures related to investment, business activities, and people's lives, ensuring a reduction of at least 20% in the number of regulations and a decrease of at least 20% in compliance costs, as directed by the Government, he stressed.

The Government leader also directed continuing to improve the efficiency of online public services to offer the utmost convenience for citizens and businesses. Urgent requirements were given to expedite the completion of providing 28 key online public services on the National Public Service Portal, he said.

PM Pham Minh Chinh urged efforts to have at least 20 million citizens use the e-identification platform VNeID with a minimum of 10 applications by the end of this year.

In conclusion, he requested ensuring the security and safety of information systems, databases, and personal data protection; strengthening international cooperation via gradually connecting with the citizen information systems of ASEAN countries and some other nations, and fostering social consensus on the digital transformation process.

Source: VNA