March 23, 2018 | 21:05 (GMT+7)
Hydro-meteorological activities crucial for disaster risk reduction
The significant role of the hydro-meteorological sector in eliminating natural disasters was spotlighted at a ceremony held in Hanoi on March 22 in response to World Meteorological Day and World Water Day.
The event, held by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MoNRE), aims to raise public awareness of nature-based solutions to address water management challenges and improve water security.
MoNRE Deputy Minister Vo Tuan Nhan speaking at the ceremony. Photo: |
As Vietnam is on the list of the nations that are facing a water shortage with an average of 3,600 cubic meters of clean water per person per year, 400 cubic meters lower than the global level, MoNRE Deputy Minister Vo Tuan Nhan said that the ministry should pay more attention to media work on water resource and meteorological activities.
The work should focus on the national water resource master plan, national strategy on water resource by 2020, solutions to ensuring water security, implementation of the Law on Hydro-meteorology and early forecast of extreme weather conditions, he noted.
“Weather-ready, climate-smart” is the theme of the World Meteorological Day in 2018 while the theme for World Water Day is “Nature for Water”.
Source: VNA