November 26, 2014 | 21:06 (GMT+7)
Meteorological maps provided to fishermen
PANO - The National Hydro-Meteorological Centre on November 25th held a ceremony to hand over meteorological maps and nearly 30,000 leaflets to the Border Guard Command under the Vietnam People's Army. The border troops will hand these maps to fishermen across the country...
PANO - The National Hydro-Meteorological Centre on November 25th held a ceremony to hand over meteorological maps and nearly 30,000 leaflets to the Border Guard Command under the Vietnam People's Army. The border troops will hand these maps to fishermen across the country.
The handover ceremony. |
These maps will provide updated information for the border stations' troops at seacoast and islands to help local fishermen keep track of storms and tropical low pressures' courses in order to avoid them.
During the 2008-2013 period, the border guards received over 50.000 maps from the centre to help fishermen get storms’ latest news for their movements.
Translated by Anh Tien