At the ceremony marking Vietnam's National Day in Cuba

The September 5 function saw the attendance of Secretary of the local Party Committee José Ramón Monteagudo Ruíz and Governor Beatriz Johnson Urrutia.

This is the first time Vietnam’s National Day has been celebrated in Santiago de Cuba, regarded as the cradle of the Cuban Revolution, about 900km east of Havana.

The event took place in the context that the two countries are preparing for the celebration of the first visit to Vietnam by Cuban leader Fidel Castro 50 years ago (September 12-17, 1973).

Fidel was the first and only foreign leader to visit the liberated area in the south of Vietnam when the war was ongoing.

This year also marks the 60th founding anniversary of the Cuban Committee for Solidarity with South Vietnam.

In his remarks, Ambassador Le Thanh Tung highlighted the historical importance of September 2, 1945, when President Ho Chi Minh delivered the Declaration of Independence, declaring the birth of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (now the Socialist Republic of Vietnam).

Reviewing Vietnam’s journey over the past 78 years, the diplomat stressed the great support from peace-loving nations and progressive forces worldwide, saying Vietnamese people always bear in mind their solidarity.

The Vietnamese Party, State and people have proudly preserved and promoted the fraternity, friendship, comprehensive cooperation and absolute trust with their Cuban counterparts over the past 63 years, the ambassador said, expressing his belief that the relationship will remain stable forever and grow further in the time ahead.

A photo exhibition was also held on this occasion, featuring the special friendship between the two countries.

The Vietnamese Embassy in Russia also hosted a ceremony in Moscow the same day to mark the National Day.

Prominent among the guests were Deputy Speaker of the Federation Council of Russia (Upper House of the Russian parliament) Konstantin Kosachev, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Galuzin, and Chairman of the Committee for External Relations of St. Petersburg Evgeny Grigoriev.

Speaking at the event, Ambassador Dang Minh Khoi noted that the bilateral comprehensive strategic partnership has been thriving across spheres, with economic-trade ties consolidated and enhanced continuously, contributing to the development and prosperity in each nation.

Ambassador Dang Minh Khoi speaks at the ceremony in Moscow.

Galuzin commended Vietnam’s dynamic economic development, and people’s improved living standards, saying the country has been a prestigious and responsible member in the international community.

For his part, Grigoriev pointed to huge opportunities for the two countries to foster their friendship and mutual understanding.

Within the framework of the event, there were an exhibition showcasing photos and objects on President Ho Chi Minh during his stay in Petrograd, now St. Petersburg, and the connectivity between Vietnam and the city, along with a space introducing the land and people of Vietnam.

Source: VNA