July 21, 2022 | 22:04 (GMT+7)
Inspiring desire for devotion among Vietnamese youngsters around the globe
Vice President and General Secretary of the Vietnam Fatherland Front (VFF) Central Committee Le Tien Chau hosted a reception for a delegation of overseas Vietnamese (OV) at the Vietnam Summer Camp 2022.
The delegation comprises more than 100 young OVs from 20 countries across the world.
Addressing the event, Deputy Foreign Minister and Chairman of the State Committee for OV Affairs Pham Quang Hieu said that the summer camp, held by the Foreign Ministry since 2004, is a chance for young OVs to experience life in Vietnam and explore the cultural tradition and history of their Fatherland, and meet and exchange with their peers in the country.
The 16-day camp will take participants through nine cities and provinces across Vietnam, giving them an insight into the culture, history, land and people of Vietnam, he said.
For his part, Chau said that along with other progammes such as “Xuan que huong” (Fatherland Spring) and tours to Truong Sa, the summer camp is a meaningful activity to connect OV students and their homeland as well as their fellow students in the localities they visit.
Chau expressed his hope that through the programme, Vietnamese youngsters around the globe will promote the Vietnamese tradition of solidarity, while working hard to make positive contributions to their host countries as well as the homeland.
At the meeting, Chau presented certificates of merit to eight students for outstanding academic performances as well as their excellent achievements in connecting the community and making contributions to the Fatherland.
Source: VNA