Due to prolonged and heavy rains from September 21 to 23, floods and landslides occurred in border areas of Muong Lat, Quan Son, Quan Hoa, and Lang Chanh districts, Thanh Hoa province, isolating many villages and hundreds of households, putting their lives and property at risk.

Tam Chung Border Post’s troops mobilize people to evacuate to safer places.
Troops of Muong Chanh Border Post help locals move their property to safer places.

Learning about the situation, border posts along the western land border of Thanh Hoa province deployed forces and vehicles to coordinate with local authorities and functional agencies to support people in bracing for and surmounting natural disaster aftermath.

Troops of the Border Post of Na Meo International Border Gate help people in harvest crops.
Troops of Tam Chung Border Post cleaning traffic routes

In particular, the working groups of the border guard force, local authorities and relevant units evacuated people and property to safer places, placed warning signs and assigned troops to guard at landslide and flooding sites along key traffic routes. They also actively promoted dissemination among locals about ensuring labor safety in harsh weather conditions.

Source: baobienphong

Translated by Thanh Hai and Duong Tuoi