Captain Nguyen Van Chuyen, Deputy Political Commissar of Regiment 151, attended the event.

Regiment 151's leadership handing over the financial assistance to Lieutenant Commander Nguyen The Thuy's family

The house, with an area of 98 sq.m, was completed after three months at a total cost of VND 450 million. Of this, VND 80 million was funded by the "For the Poor" Fund of the Naval Service, with the remainder came from the family's savings and donations of his relatives.

In his speech at the ceremony, Captain Nguyen Van Chuyen stressed that this activity reflects the care of the military leaderships at all levels and the tradition of mutual support of the Vietnamese people, contributing to encouraging and helping military families alleviate difficulties and improve their living conditions.

Commanding staff of Radar Station 480 presenting gifts to Lieutenant Commander Thuy's family

On this occasion, Regiment 151, Radar Station 480, and the local authorities also presented meaningful gifts to Lieutenant Commander Nguyen The Thuy's family.

Source: baohaiquanvietnam

Translated by Song Anh