Accordingly, ships of Naval Region 5 transported more than 300,000 liters from Phu Quoc island to four communes in U Minh and Tran Van Thoi district to help local people effected by droughts.

Ship 470 provides clean water for people in Khanh Lam commune, U Minh district.

Earlier, due to the prolonged drought, the Ca Mau provincial People’s Committee signed Decision No.719 to announce an emergency drought situation in Tran Van Thoi and U Minh districts and required local functional agencies to immediately adopt response measures on water supply and storage for their people.

Local authorities and troops of Naval Region 5 transport clean water for people.

According to Rear Admiral Nguyen Huu Hoan, Political Commissar of the Naval Region 5 Command, the command mobilized Ships 470, 471, 526 and 529 to transport clean water from Phu Quoc Island to Ca Mau province and assigned Flotilla 28 to provide clean water for drought-hit people. The ships will continue performing this mission until mid-May.

Translated by Quynh Oanh