The houses were constructed at a total cost of VND 240 million. The provincial Military Command also presented necessities to the families.

At a house handover ceremony in Duc Xuyen commune 

As reported, in 2022, the provincial Military Command has cooperated with local Party Committee and authorities and benefactors to raise VND 1.4 billion for the construction of 17 houses and present three savings books to needy families. 

In Hoa Thuong commune, Dong Hy district, Thai Nguyen province, the Department of Logistics of Military Region 1, in collaboration with local Party Committee and authorities, organized a ceremony to hand over a house to Non-commissioned Major Pham Vu Thung, a driver of Battalion 1 of Regiment 651 of the Department of Logistics. Thung’s father is a wounded soldier, while his mother is ill, his wife does not have a stable job.

The house for Thung’s family was built on an area of 80sq.m. with financial assistance from the Department of Logistics of Military Region 1. During the construction, Regiment 651’s troops contributed 600 working days to complete the house.

The Military Command of Hai Hau district under the Nam Dinh provincial Military Command worked with the People’s Committee of Hai Trung commune, Hai Hau district to present a house to Ngo Thi Dau, a martyr’s widow in hamlet 19 of Hai Trung commune.

The 35sq.m. house was built with financial assistance from Military Commercial Joint Stock Bank. The troops of Military Command of Hai Hau district helped construct the house.

Translated by Chung Anh