The receivers were families of Nguyen Van Tua (born in 1956) and Ho Van Thanh (born in 1960) with the total cost of VND 80 and 100 million, respectively. The construction costs of the two houses were partly supported by the Vietnam Fatherland Front of Dak Lak province and MB Bank, the remaining amount was contributed by their families and relatives. Moreover, troops of Ia Rve Border Post donated construction materials and working days.

The Dak Lak provincial Border Guard Command and MB Bank present gifts to Nguyen Van Tua’s family.

According to Senior Colonel Ro Lan Ngan, Deputy Political Commissar of the Dak Lak provincial Border Guard Command, over the past years, the border guards have coordinated with agencies and units to implement strategic projects, including building dams and roads and mobilizing resources to support the construction of many houses for needy people in border areas, contributing to joining hands with local authorities to promote economic development, help people eliminate hunger and reduce poverty, and gradually stabilize their life, to name but a few.

Sr. Col. Ro Lan Ngan hands over gifts to Ho Van Thanh’s family.

* On the same day, authorized by Saigon Newport Corporation, Tan Cang Container Trucking Enterprise supported the construction of a house for the family of Do Van Xuyen in Dong Nai province.

Do Van Xuyen receives the financial support for the house construction.

In detail, Do Van Xuyen is a driver of the enterprise. His family is facing difficult conditions, as his child suffers from a serious illness and the house is degraded.

Knowing about the situation, Saigon Newport Corporation supported VND 100 million for his family to repair his house.

This deed contributed to encouraging officials and laborers to fulfill all assigned missions and showed the tradition of Saigon Newport Corporation. It was also part of activities to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the first victory of the Vietnam People’s Navy (August 2 and 5, 1964 - 2024).

Translated by Chung Anh