During the resistance war against the U.S. imperialists, troops of Army Corps 559 and 550 were stationed in Huong Do commune.

During the visit, Senior Colonel Nguyen Tuan Khang briefed participants on the outstanding achievements gained by the military logistics sector over the past years.

Senior Colonel Nguyen Tuan Khang addressing the event

During the 72 years of establishment, combat and development, the military logistics sector has done its utmost to achieve glorious feats-of-arms in the cause of national liberation and unification, fulfilling international missions, and building and firmly protecting the Fatherland.

In the time to come, he hoped that the local authorities and people of Huong Do commune would continue coordinating with the General Department of Logistics and supporting the department in accomplishing all assigned missions.

At the event

At the  event, the delegation provided life-time financial support, worth VND 1 million per month, for three mothers and two wives of war martyrs, and presented gifts, valued at VND 2 million each, to their families.

The delegation and local authorities handing over gifts and financial support to policy families in Huong Do commune

Along with the GDL’s delegation, representatives of Joint Stock Companies X20, 26, and 22 offered life-time financial support, worth VND 3 million per month, to the above-mentioned mothers and wives.

Previously, the GDL supported two policy families in Huong Do commune in building two gratitude houses for VND 80 million each.

Representatives of enterprises offering gifts to policy families in Huong Do commune

These meaningful activities demonstrated the GDL’s good tradition “When drinking water, remember its source,” contributing to helping war martyrs’ families overcome their hardships.

Translated by Quynh Oanh