In particular, the unit’s troops have strengthened their presence among the local population and coordinated with local authorities and management boards of villages to maintain peace and security in border area and the locality. Thanks to the border guards’ supports, the people of the ethnic minority communities in Tam Hop commune, Tuong Duong district, have been confident in improving their life.

Many positive changes have also been made in the border localities. Now, roads connecting National Road No.7 with border localities have been paved, significantly shortening the travel time to the settlements of the Thai, H’mong, and Tay Poong ethnic groups.

Officers of Tam Hop Border Post disseminating law to locals

According to Head of Tam Hop Border Post Lieutenant Colonel Trinh Xuan Vinh, all the villages in the commune now have access to the national grid, the transportation infrastructure is significantly improved, and the life of the people is much better. Those achievements come from the major policies of the Party, the State, the local authorities, functional forces, and efforts of the border guard.

Col. Vinh said that Tam Hop commune, with its vast natural area, is home to the Thai, H’mong, and Tay Poong ethnic minority groups. In the past, the border forests adjacent to Laos were infiltrated by bandit groups, who incited some gullible villagers to participate in activities that disrupted peace of the community.

In response to the situation, the Nghe An provincial Border Guard Command sent a large number of officers and soldiers to reinforce Tam Hop Border Post to help stabilize the local people's life. They started building houses and persuading the H’mong ethnic households straggling along the border to resettle in the new village of Huoi Son and stay away from bad people. Additionally, two military-civilian medical stations were established in Tam Hop commune to directly care for the health of the people.

As the people's trust in the local authorities and the border guard troops has been strengthened, Tam Hop Border Post continued to deploy forces to stay in the villages and maintain border security. Over time, the unit has sent five working teams to the commune's villages to follow local situation, disseminate law, and assist locals in implementing economic development models and poverty reduction efforts. The border post has paid attention to coordinating with local authorities and relevant units to regularly carry out legal education and dissemination through different forms and obtained practical results. Notably, the unit has collaborated with villages’ management boards to organize concentrated legal education meetings for the people and has worked with schools to educate students about the law.

The “Women and the Law” club in Pha Lom village stands out as a model in legal education in this border commune. The village has 128 households with 767 residents, all of whom are H’mong people. The area has been prone to issues such as child marriage, gender inequality, and illegal logging. Understanding the situation, Tam Hop Border Post advised the local authorities to establish the club with the aim to strengthen education and dissemination of law to the H’mong ethnic minority women and support them develop domestic economy.

The club has focused on popularizing the Law on Marriage and Family, the Law on Gender Equality, the Law on Human Trafficking Prevention, and the Vietnam Border Guard Law. Together with that, Tam Hop Border Post has maintained patrols and worked with police force and relevant agencies to strictly handle legal violations. Thanks to the close coordination and comprehensive approach, since 2022, Tam Hop commune has become a drug-free area with no addicts or drug trafficking hotspots.

According to Col. Vinh, the unit has paid attention to maintaining unity and coordination with local authorities and functional units to thoroughly grasp the local situation. He added that the unit will continue to send officers to stay in the area and work with villages’ management boards to assist the local people in conducting economic development, contributing to maintaining security in the locality.

Talking about border guard troops’ contributions, Secretary of the Party Committee of Tam Hop district Nguyen Hoang Son said that together with protecting border areas, the border guard force has joined local authorities’ efforts in consolidating political system and eliminating hunger and reducing poverty. “They deserve to be a firm fulcrum of local authorities and people,” Son said.


Translated by Tran Hoai