On behalf of the Ministry of National Defense and the General Department of Political Affairs of the Vietnam People’s Army, Major General Doan Quang Hoa, Director of the Department of Policy, presided over the gathering.

Major General Doan Quang Hoa hands over gifts to national contributors.

During the event, Major General Doan Quang Hoa provided the delegates with information about recent activities of the military. He emphasized that in recent years, the military’s gratitude movement has received close attention and guidance from all-level leaderships of the military. This has led to the effective mobilization of numerous resources to care for national contributors. Over the past 10 years, the entire military has called on its officers and soldiers, as well as various organizations and individuals, to raise nearly VND 550 billion for the gratitude fund. This fund has been used to construct over 7,000 gratitude houses, provide support for 2,879 Vietnamese heroic mothers, and aid 702 children of martyrs and wounded soldiers.

Delegates pose for a joint photo.

These efforts by officers and soldiers of the Vietnam People's Army have contributed to enhancing both the material and spiritual life of national contributors. At the same time, this work educates officers and soldiers, particularly younger generations, of the moral ethic of "When drinking water, remember of the source."

Translated by Song Anh