Coast guard officers disseminating sea and islands-related information to local students

The organizing panel disseminated the role of national sea and islands to the national construction and defense cause; the Party’s guidelines and State’s policies on settling issues at sea; how to determine internal waters, baselines, territorial waters, contiguous zones, exclusive economic zones and continental shelves under the Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982; contents of the Vietnam’s Law on the Sea, the Law on the Vietnam Coast Guard; and legal provisions related to illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing prevention.

During the program, the Coast Guard Region 3 Command presented 150 gifts, worth VND 1 million each, to policy families and needy fishermen; handed over 16 rewards to students with good academic results and others to outstanding schools actively participating in the “I love national sea and islands” contest.

From 2017, the “Coast guards stand by fishermen” mass mobilization program has been effectively carried out in provinces and cities by the Coast Guard Region 3 Command. Practical activities have helped ease needy fishermen’s difficulties and strengthen solidarity between troops and locals, contributing to building the firm whole people’s defense posture and people’s heart posture in areas managed by Coast Guard Region 3. 

Translated by Tran Hoai