The program comprised a series of activities, including an artistic exchange program, folk games, a Chung cake making competition, a zero-VND stall, and a program to provide free medical examination and medicines for local people, to name but a few.

Attentively, the organizing panel presented five houses and 50 water tanks, granted 36 scholarships to students under the “Paving ways to school for children – Adopted children of border posts” programs and disadvantaged children. Also, they offered 280 gifts to policy beneficiaries, national contributors, poor families, and households participating in self-management teams to manage the borderline and border markers.

* On the same day in A Mu Sung commune, Bat Xat district, Lao Cai province, the provincial Border Guard Command organized the border spring program for local people.

Thao Thi Huyen Trang, a Dao ethnic minority student from A Mu Sung Primary School, shared that in addition to receiving a lot of gifts, including books, school supplies, warm clothes, etc., she had an opportunity to enjoy artistic performances, play folk games, and join a Chung cake making competition.

Within the framework of the program, the provincial Border Guard Command and other relevant units carried out various activities, such as handing over gratitude houses; organizing the zero-VND stall; providing free health check-ups and medicines; and holding a Chung cake making competition; and others.

The People’s Army Newspaper would like to introduce some photos of the border spring programs in Ha Giang and Lao Cai provinces. 

The Ha Giang provincial Border Guard Command presents gifts to local people in Son Vi commune.
Delegates at the border spring program in A Mu Sung commune
The organizing panel presents two houses to local people.
Adopted children of border posts receiving new bicycles
At the zero-VND stall
Local people receiving free health examination and medicines
At the Chung cake making competition
Stick-pushing game
Tug of war competition
Happy smiles of local people when receiving gifts from the program

Translated by Song Anh