The unit’s effective program has helped many households in the commune of Chau Khe, Con Cuong district escape poverty and stabilize their life.

Chau Khe commune shares a 25km border section with Lao localities. The commune, gathering the Thai, Kinh, Kho Mu, and Dan Lai ethnic groups, has a total of 1,512 households with 6,481 people. Over the past years, the Party and State have issued different guidelines and policies to facilitate socio-economic and cultural development in the locality. However, the life of local people, especially the Dan Lai, is still harsh, and 30% of the households are poor.

Troops of Chau Khe Border Post present breeding pigs to locals.

Apart from completing political tasks and firmly protecting sovereignty and border security, officers and soldiers of Chau Khe Border Post have stood side by side with local people to help them eliminate hunger and reduce poverty. To enhance the effectiveness of information dissemination and mass mobilization activities, the unit has selected comrades who are fluent in ethnic minority languages and familiar with customs and practices of the people to conduct the mission. Thanks to their deep understanding of locals and their life, troops of Chau Khe Border Post have come up with the program of presenting breeding animals to needy households to help them escape poverty. 

The first household to benefit from the program was the family of Luong Van Cuong in Khe Na village, Chau Khe commune. Cuong’s family was presented with a couple of pigs. After four years, Cuong now has ten healthy pigs. He has sold four broods of pigs, earning from VND 30 to 50 million VND each, which has helped his family make ends meet.

According to Cuong, apart from presenting breeding pigs, the officers and soldiers of Chau Khe Border Post have instructed his family on how to build barns and provided them with farming techniques and methods to protect pigs from diseases.

Another household receiving support from the program was the family of Vi Thi Uan in Khe Na village. From a couple of pigs, she now has nine pigs which have become a source of hope for her family to develop domestic economy. 

Evaluating the border post’s support activities, Secretary of the Party Committee of Chau Khe commune Kha Van Kien said that the program of presenting breeding livestocks and providing farming techniques has brought about practical results, helping local people be confident to farm and conduct production in their hometown.

Political Commissar of Chau Khe Border Post Colonel Tran Van Tai said that livestock development models implemented by the unit over the past time have motivated locals to actively work to develop the household economy. To date, Chau Khe Border Post has presented 20 pairs of breeding pigs to people in the commune. These pigs have helped poor households improve living standards and stabilize their life.

According to Col. Tai, apart from presenting breeding animals to poor households, Chau Khe Border Post has coordinated with local authorities to implement such programs and models as "House of Charity," "Paving the way to school for children – Border posts’ adopted children," and "Accompanying border women" to contribute to the locality’s new-style rural area building and sustainable hunger elimination and poverty reduction.

By helping locals improve their living standards and enhance literacy level, the officers and soldiers of Chau Khe Border Post have contributed to firmly protecting territorial sovereignty and national border security, building the people's heart posture, and strengthening people's trust in the Party and State.

Source: Bienphong

Translated by Tran Hoai