Ho A Tay's family is a near-poor household in Ha Let village, Tan Thanh commune, Huong Hoa district, Quang Tri province. Tay himself is a veteran and wounded soldier. His fragile health affects his ability to work. During the ground-breaking ceremony, Tay was deeply moved and expressed his gratitude to organizations, individuals, especially Nguyen Quoc Bao from Ho Chi Minh City, who donated VND 100 million to build the house.

A view of the ground-breaking ceremony

At the ceremony, Colonel Phan Manh Truong, Political Commissar of the Border Post of Lao Bao International Border Gate, stated that the program of constructing houses for policy beneficiary families, impoverished households lacking adequate housing in border-area villages and hamlets has been effectively maintained by the unit for many years. It has helped numerous families in border areas have new houses, contributing to stabilizing their life and safeguarding the borderline, border markers, and security along the border.

Units hand over VND 100 million to assist the family of Ho A Tay to build the house.

Over the past time, the officers and soldiers of the Border Post of Lao Bao International Border Gate have implemented various meaningful programs and models to help residents in the area eradicate hunger, reduce poverty, and gradually improve all aspects of life.

Translated by Chung Anh