Presenting gifts to Luong The Vinh Primary and Secondary Schools

In this event, the organizers held cultural, artistic exchanges, games and disseminated information about school ethics for participating students. They also gave 240 gifts, each worth VND 250,000, to disadvantaged students of the “Paying the way to school for students,” and “Adopted children of border post” programs. They handed over a bookshelf and school ethic picture, valued at VND 10 million, to Luong The Vinh Primary and Secondary Schools.

Colonel Dinh Huu Ninh, Deputy Political Chief of Gia Lai provincial Border Guard Command, hands over gifts to needy students in Ia Pnon commune, Duc Co district.

Over the past years, youths from agencies and units under Gia Lai provincial border guard force have taken effective response to the program “Paying the way to school for students” launched by the Vietnam Border Guard Command. This is a humane program. The troops activities have helped improve border people’s trust in the border guard force, thus building strong all people’s border posture, firmly defending national border sovereignty and security.

* The same day, the Son La provincial Border Guard Command teamed up with the provincial Study Encouragement Association to meet and present gifts to students of the “Pay the way to school for students” program who gained outstanding achievements in the national high school examination 2023 and in the 2022-2023 school year.

Merit certificate and gift presented to student Lo Van Loi

This year, student Lo Van Loi got high scores at high school graduation exam and started studying at the Border Guard Academy. Loi has been sponsored by the Mobile-Training Battalion and Nam Lanh Border Post under the Son La provincial Border Guard Command since he was 7th grader.

Expressing his delight at Loi’s achievements, Senior Colonel Vu Duc Tu, Deputy Political Commissar of the Son La provincial Border Guard Command, hoped that the student will further study and become a good border guard after graduation.

On the occasion, the provincial Study Encouragement Association presented merit certificate to Lo Van Loi in recognition of his excellent study results.

Nam Lanh Border Post leaders presents bikes to needy students in Sop Cop district.

Earlier on September 8, Nam Lanh Border Post and other organizations in Sop Cop district presented three bikes and three gifts, worth VND 3 million each, to needy students of Nam Lanh Ethnic Boarding Primary and Secondary School.

Translated by Song Anh