“Whole-People Border Festive Day”

According to Colonel Ninh Xuan Trong, Deputy Political Chief of the Lang Son provincial Border Guard Command, since 2018, implementing the command’s resolutions, functional units and border posts have actively made recommendations and carried out models and practical activities. One of them is the “Whole-People Border Festive Day” model, contributing to tightening the military-civilian ties in the province.

Representatives of villages sign the commitment document to join the emulation “Whole people joining hands to protect national sovereignty and ensure security in border areas” in 2024.

Annually, the border posts, together with local authorities, hold many activities in the framework of the “Whole-People Border Festive Day,” namely educating people about the traditions of the localities throughout history, reviewing the border management and protection work of local authorities and people, launching an emulation drive on the movement whole-people joining hands to protect national sovereignty and border security, and ensure social order in border areas.

Ba Son Border Post presents national flags and gifts to local people during the “Whole-People Border Festive Day” in 2024.

Via the model, border posts have coordinated with local authorities to boost dissemination work to mobilize local people to participate in border management and protection’s programs, ensure national border security and social order in border areas, educate local people on laws related to border areas, and encourage them to detect any cases of law violations along the shared borderline, among others.

Besides, the Lang Son provincial Border Guard Command have also effectively implemented many programs and emulation drives, such as “Paving the way to school for children - Adopted children of border posts,” “Standing side by side with border women,” and “Border troops joining hands to build new-style rural areas,” to name but a few.

Troops of  Binh Nghi Border Post help local people build concrete road.

Over the past time, the Lang Son provincial Border Guard Command’s affiliated units, in coordination with local authorities win their stationed areas, have built more than 300 projects, totally worth nearly VND 9 million, via practical activities, such as building houses for policy households, installing lighting systems, building bridges and clean water projects, building playgrounds for children and concreting roads and building schools, and offering gifts and breeding animals to policy and needy households, and more.

Mobilizing whole people’s strength to combat crimes

Apart from implementing the movement “Whole people joining hands to protect national sovereignty and ensure security in border areas,” border posts has proposed that local authorities establish hundreds of self-management teams for security and order, while setting up other information teams including members from border posts and border communes and townlets. These models have contributed to raising awareness of local residents of the Party’s guidelines and State’s laws as well as plots and schemes of hostile forces.

Lang Son border guards distribute leaflets to disseminate law in Tam Gia commune, Loc Binh district, Lang Son province.

Colonel Nguyen Xuan Thanh, Deputy Political Commissar of the Lang Son provincial Border Guard Command, underlined that the model “Mobilizing the whole people’s strength to combat crimes” has spread across the province and gained considerable results.

An officer from Po Ma Border Station under the Lang Son provincial Border Guard Command instructs local people how to care for star anise trees to develop the economy and stabilize their life.

Accordingly, over the past five years, the model has contributed to ensuring social order and security to benefit local socio-economic development. “In the time to come, we will further instruct border posts to well respond to this model, affirming the unique characteristics of the Border Guard of Lang Son province in the entire border guard force,” added Colonel Nguyen Xuan Thanh.

Translated by Minh Anh