August 27, 2024 | 18:01 (GMT+7)
Border Flotilla 18 promotes legal dissemination among fishermen
PANO - Detachment III/24 under Border Flotilla 18 of the Vietnam Border Guard Command disseminated information about anti-IUU fishing for fishermen in the waters of Ba Ria - Vung Tau and Tien Giang provinces on August 25 and 26.
Legal dissemination teams of the detachment informed 928 fishermen about maritime border security situations and equipped them with some legal documents on IUU fishing, the Law on National Border, the Law on Vietnam Border Guard, the Law of the Sea of Vietnam 2012, and the U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) 1982.
National flags presented to the fishermen |
Local fishermen were also updated with the PM’s Dispatch No.732/CD-TTg dated May 28, 2017 on preventing, minimizing and ending illegal fishing by Vietnamese fishing vessels and fishermen in foreign waters; the PM’s Directive No.45/CT-TTg dated December 13, 2017 on a number of urgent tasks and solutions to lift the E.C.’s yellow warning on IUU fishing, and Decree No.42/2019/ND-CP dated May 16, 2019 on regulations on dealing with administrative violations in the fisheries sector.
During the event, the detachment presented 129 national flags, 34 portraits of Uncle Ho, 1,995 leaflets to fishing vessels’ owners and fishermen.
Leaflets distributed to the fishermen |
These activities would help raise local fishermen’s awareness of law observation, contributing to building a firm whole-people border guard disposition.
Over the past time, Border Flotilla 18 has encouraged fishermen to maintain solidarity and security at sea. It has also organized events for fishing vessel owners to pledge not to violate foreign waters for illegal fishing, ensure law enforcement, and install vessel monitoring systems.
Translated by Song Anh