In this article, Lieutenant Colonel Dang Duy Thai, Deputy Director of Factory Z111 under the General Department of Defense Industry talked about the factory’s modern infantry weapons to be showcased.

Lieutenant Colonel Dang Duy Thai, Deputy Director of Factory Z111.

Reporter: Could you pleases give a brief introduction on products that the factory will show at the first-ever Vietnam International Defense Expo hosted by the Vietnamese Ministry of National Defense?

Lt. Col. Dang Duy Thai: The Vietnam International Defense Expo 2022 is a good opportunity for Factory Z111 to introduce to international customers factory-manufactured modern infantry guns. In this expo, the factory will introduce 14 types of infantry guns, including pistols, submachine guns, light machine guns, machine guns, and sniper rifles with calibers ranging from 5.56mm to 12.7mm. These guns are researched and designed by the Weapons Institute under the General Department of Defense Industry, and improved and manufactured by Factory Z111.

These products were debuted after a long process of research, creation, and strict review and approval. Attentively,  they have been commissioned for units to help them meet training and combat readiness requirements. It must be affirmed that these products have the same quality and design as similar foreign products.

In fact, in October this year, a number of guns manufactured Factory Z111 were used in the 30th ASEAN Armies Rifle Meet (AARM-30) hosted by the Vietnamese Ministry of National Defense, contributing to the high results of Vietnamese shooters in particular and the contingent of the Vietnam People's Army in general.

Reporter: What is the purpose and meaning of the factory’s participation in this expo?

Lt. Col. Dang Duy Thai: This is an opportunity to confirm the capability and development of Vietnamese defense industry. Alongside ensuring the self-production of infantry guns to serve military units, Factory Z111 also targets to promote export of Vietnam's weapons overseas to maximize the efficiency of the production line, hone skills for engineers and technical workers, and at the same time pool financial resources to reinvest in development. Thus, engaging in an international defense expo right in Vietnam gives the factory an opportunity to introduce its products to foreign customers in a broader manner, thereby enhancing export of the factory-manufactured products.

Reporter: How do the factory’s products contribute to the military building according to the resolutions adopted at the 13th National Party Congress and the 11th Military Party Congress?

Lt. Col. Dang Duy Thai: Building and developing a modern, dual-use defense and security industry to meet the Fatherland protection requirements and duties and making an important contribution to national socio-economic development is a fundamental content of the 13th National Party Congress’s resolution on building a modernized military by 2030.

Along with that, the factory has consolidated the organization of the technical industry in the direction of "elite, compact, strong and unified" to be suitable with technological features of new generation materiel. Factory Z111-manufactured infantry weapons integrate many modern features and are produced on high-tech production lines, meeting the requirements of safeguarding Fatherland in the new situation. This vividly demonstrates the Vietnam's defense industry's capability to master the research, design, manufacture of new weapons, and helps consolidate troops’ confidence in materiel of the Vietnamese defense industry.

Senior Colonel Phan Thi Hoai Van, Secretary of the Party Committee and President of Factory Z111, with workers

The self-producing weapons for Vietnam's national defense are to affirm the country’s defense industry’s activeness in meeting the requirements in modern personal weapons, making active contribution to the modernization of the military.

The factory-manufactured infantry guns have standardized techno-tactical specifications that are equivalent to those of similar products in the world, capable of replacing similar foreign products, thus saving money for the procurement of weapons, and at the same time opening up cooperation and export opportunities.

Reporter: Thank you very much!

Translated by Mai Huong