Currently, Pham Ngoc Truong Chinh serves in Platoon 13, Company 4, while Pham Ngoc Duc Chinh is in Platoon 9, Company 3. Pham Ngoc Truong Chinh held that this year, both of them were eligible for military service. “As twins, when I volunteered, Pham Ngoc Duc Chinh was deferred. But since it had been our dream, he chose to volunteer too,” he added.

Pham Ngoc Truong Chinh (left) and Pham Ngoc Duc Chinh

During their first week, Pham Ngoc Truong Chinh and Pham Ngoc Duc Chinh, along with recruits, were warmly welcomed by Battalion 4’s officers, who introduced them to the unit’s barracks, updated information about the new enlistees’ families, and instructed them on daily routines and regulations. Captain Nguyen Dinh Ha, Political Commissar of Battalion 4, said the unit’s officers live and eat with the recruits so as to support them every day.

The voluntary enlistment of twin brothers Pham Ngoc Truong Chinh and Pham Ngoc Duc Chinh has been praised by the Battalion leadership, inspiring new recruits to overcome challenges, adapt quickly, and fulfill their sacred duty to the nation. Duc Chinh shared, “I am thrilled to be enlisted with my brother. We encourage each other to train hard and complete our tasks.”

Translated by Minh Anh