General Luong Cuong addresses the event.

GDP Director General Luong Cuong attended and delivered a speech at the event which gathered 78 groups and 193 individuals with outstanding achievements in the movement.

Over the past five years, the emulation movement “Work well, work creatively” of the Military Trade Union organization has received due attention and directions from party committees, chains-of-command, political agencies at all levels. The grassroots trade union organizations in the whole military have well disseminated information, closely coordinated with each other to implement the movement with close attachment to studying and following President Ho Chi Minh’s thought, morality and lifestyle, “Determined-to-Win” movement, big campaigns of the Party, State, and military.

Participants at the ceremony

Attentively, the movement has encouraged, aroused enthusiasms, creativity, self-reliance of trade union cadres, members and laborers, inspiring them to emulate to complete all assigned missions.

With their utmost and constant efforts in production, research and at work, trade union cadres, members and laborers have been awarded by all-levels with a total of 35 VIFOTEC awards, one Sao khue award, 175 rewards presented by the Prime Minister, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of National Defense for technical improvement topics and initiatives, 56 Vietnam-licensed patents, nine patents granted with U.S. certificates, and 230 certificates of “Creative Laborers” by the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor.

Outstanding Trade Union cadres and members receive Defense Minister-presented certificates of merit.

Addressing the ceremony, on behalf of the Ministry of National Defense and GDP leaders, General Luong Cuong highly praised and congratulated exemplary groups and individuals’ achievements gained over the past five years.

The GDP chief asked the honored groups and individuals to continue to heighten their high sense of responsibility, further study, and strive to uphold and promote their attainments. The honored were also requested to actively share experience to have more good and creative laborers in the military in the coming time.

At the event, 20 groups and individuals received certificates of merit presented by the Minister of National Defense and 58 groups and individuals were awarded with the GDP-given merit certificates in recognition of their outstanding results in the emulation movement.

Delegates awarded with Uncle Ho badges at the achievement-reporting ceremony

Earlier the same day, in Ba Dinh Square, delegates to the aforementioned ceremony, led by Deputy Director of the General Department of Political Affairs Major General Nguyen Van Gau reported their achievements to President Ho Chi Minh and pay tribute to him at President Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum.

Translated by Mai Huong