Major-General Phan Van Giang addresses the meeting

PANO - The Party Committee of the General Staff-Defence Ministry Departments hosted a meeting to review 10 years’ implementation of the Resolution N.8 adopted at the 9th Party Central Committee on the national protection strategy in the new situation on November 14th under the chair of Major-General Phan Van Giang, Secretary of the Party Committee of the General Staff- Defence Ministry Organs.

Over the past decade, the unit has grasped thoroughly the Party and the State’s guidelines and policies as well as the Party Central Executive Committee, the Politburo and the Central Military Commission’s instruction and resolutions, especially the Resolution N.8 adopted at the 9th Party Central Committee. The unit has also directed relevant departments to build relevant action programs.

Notably, the General Staff has frequently given instructions on carrying out defensive operational tasks, studying actively any situations and giving timely recommendations to the Party, the State and the Ministry of National Defence on policies and solutions to building a revolutionary, regular, elite and modern people’s army and a high quality militia force.

Moreover, relevant organs under the General Staff have coordinated with related departments to provide recommendations to the Party, the State and the Ministry of National Defence to partly build a stronger nation defence and to uphold national independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Apart from the five lessons on the execution of the resolution, the meeting also put forwards plans, tasks and key solutions to implementing military and defence tasks in the future.

Translated by Mai Huong