Naval Air Force Brigade 954, formerly Air Force Regiment 954, was established on September 15, 1984, under the Air Defense - Air Force Service. To meet the defense strategy in the current context, on July 3, 2013, Air Force Regiment 954 was upgraded to Naval Air Force Brigade 954 and transferred to the Naval Service. The brigade has since been equipped with modern aircraft and equipment, contributing to the modernization of the Naval Service.

Rear Admiral Phan Tuan Hung, Deputy Commander of the Naval Service, delivers congratulatory remarks at the ceremony.

Through effective training and mastery of new equipment, the brigade has successfully carried out its tasks, ensuring flight safety in various missions, such as landing on Gepard-class frigates, bombing exercises, performing in submarine flag-raising ceremonies, international search and rescue missions, water landings, patrol flights, and medical evacuations.

Senior Captain Vuong Dang Nam, Commanding Officer of Naval Air Force Brigade 954, delivers a speech at the ceremony.

During the celebration, Rear Admiral Phan Tuan Hung, Deputy Commander of the Naval Service, commended the brigade's achievements. He urged the unit to continue its focus on political and ideological education, fostering a strong political foundation and unwavering loyalty to the Party, the nation, and the people. He emphasized the importance of building a revolutionary, regular, elite, and modern unit, enhancing command and combat coordination skills, especially in high-tech warfare.

Delegates attending the ceremony

Rear Admiral Phan Tuan Hung also encouraged the brigade to promote the “Military logistics sector following Uncle Ho's teachings” movement and effectively implement the “Good, durable, safe, and economical management, employment, and use of weapons and equipment, and traffic safety” campaign.

He called for technical innovations and equipment mastery, while improving the leadership role and combat strength within the Party organizations, fostering exemplary conduct and scientific working styles among officers and Party members. Furthermore, he stressed maintaining strong ties with local authorities and communities.

Rear Admiral Phan Tuan Hung presents the Second-class Fatherland Protection Order to Naval Air Force Brigade 954.

In recognition of the unit’s accomplishments, Naval Air Force Brigade 954 was awarded the Second-class Fatherland Protection Order by the State President and received commendations from the People's Committee of Khanh Hoa province and the Naval Service.

Translated by Trung Thanh