The meeting was chaired by Deputy Defense Minister Senior Lieutenant General Le Huy Vinh. 

Speaking at the event, Senior Lieutenant General Le Huy Vinh praised the Vietnam Military History Institute and other units for their coordination in preparing for the seminar.

Senior Lieutenant General Le Huy Vinh addresses the event.

The deputy defense minister emphasized that Lieutenant General Dong Sy Nguyen, former Politburo member, former Vice President of the Council of Ministers (now the Deputy Prime Minister of the Government), former Deputy Minister of National Defense, former Commander of the Truong Son Corps made great contribution to national liberation, reunification, construction and defense cause.

He emphasized that this seminar is one of the important events in 2023 directed by the Secretariat of the Party Central Committee. It is also a prominent event to celebrate the 100th birthday of Gen. Nguyen, honor his imprints and contribution, and educate generations of the revolutionary moral example of the general.

He requested the Vietnam Military History Institute to continue working with relevant agencies and units, the Quang Binh provincial Party Committee, and Lieutenant General Dong Sy Nguyen’s family to complete the preparation. 

An overview of the event

The Ministry of National Defense (MND)-level seminar on Lieutenant General Dong Sy Nguyen is scheduled to be held on February 24 in Quang Binh province with the theme “Lieutenant General Dong Sy Nguyen - An excellent practical activist of the Vietnamese revolution, an outstanding son of Quang Binh."

At this seminar, reports will focus on affirming the great contribution of Lt. Gen. Dong Sy Nguyen to the glorious revolutionary cause of the Party and nation in the two resistance wars against the French colonialists and the U.S. imperialists, the historic Ho Chi Minh Trail, and the Fatherland construction and defense cause; researching and developing theory on viewpoints in performing military, defense and security tasks in the fields of construction, industry, transportation, and key works of the country and applying them to Doi moi (renewal) cause, international integration, and national development in the new situation.

At present, all preparations for the workshop are being carried out. The Vietnam Military History Institute has coordinated with agencies and units, the Quang Binh provincial Party Committee, the Military Region 4 Command to check the conference hall and complete the draft detailed organization plan, contents, and agenda.

As planned, on February 23, the organizers and delegates will offer incense at the temple dedicated to President Ho Chi Minh and heroic martyrs in Quang Binh province and visit and present gifts to policy families in Ba Don town, Quang Binh province.

Translated by Chung Anh