PANO - Feats of arms in wartime and peacetime of Missile Regiment 250 under Division 361 of the Air Defence-Air Force Service have been highlighted by its troops and people in the locality, where it is stationed, in a writing contest to mark the unit’s 60th founding anniversary.  

Battalion 152 of Regiment 250 in a training

Since its establishment on September 21st, 1954, Regiment 250 has obtained remarkable feats of arm in fighting American invaders for national salvation, in training and mastering weapons and equipment. In wartime, it took part in 1,800 battles to protect the airspace of the Capital and important places in Regions 3 and 4 and along Truong Son Road, shooting down 190 aircraft. For its achievements, the unit was three times presented with the “Good shooting unit” flag by President Ho Chi Minh and other noble awards.

In peacetime, following the former generations, the unit’s troops have put more efforts in training and gained remarkable achievements. It has been recognised as an excellent training unit, and presented with the “Determined to Win Unit” title.

Colonel Bui Duc Thanh, the regiment’s commander, said that since 2011, the unit has increased training to raise troops’ professionalism to effectively master weapons and equipment.

Translated by Tran Hoai