Being aware of that, the military has been carrying out numerous comprehensive and drastic measures to build a strong all people’s defense posture, contributing to firmly safeguarding the Fatherland in any circumstances.

Attentively, over the past years, units in the whole military have actively given recommendations to local Party committees and authorities to build a firm all people’s defense disposition coupled with the people’s security posture.

In particular, this year, troops have promoted their core role, pioneered on the front-line, been present in critical, difficult, and dangerous places in a timely manner, stood side by side with local people in the COVID-19 pandemic and natural disaster prevention and control, been actively engaged in economic development, hunger elimination and poverty reduction, and new-style rural building. Their activities have spread the image and good virtues of Uncle Ho’s soldiers in the new period, highly praised by the Party and the State, the people, contributing to tightening the ties between military troops and civilians.

Below are a number of photos of troops in action over the past time.

Troops of Nam Chay Border Post under the Lao Cai Border Guard Command joining hands with local public security and militia forces in patrol to prevent illegal cross-border entry and exit
Troops of Na Bung Border Post under the Dien Bien Border Guard Command build a house for a poor family in border area. The photo was taken before the latest COVID-19 outbreak.
Troops of Economic-Defense Unit 92 of Military Region 4 and members of the youth union organizations of A Dot commune and the border post of A Dot border gate under the Thua Thien Hue provincial Border Guard Command providing free breakfasts to poor students affected by the pandemic
Troops of the border post of Quy Nhon port border gate of the Binh Dinh provincial Border Guard Command and local public security force helping locals overcome flood consequences
Troops of Division 5 of Military Region 7 providing basic necessities to people in District 4, Ho Chi Minh City during social distancing period
Troops of the border command of Duong Dong port border gate of the Kien Giang Border Guard Command raising the local fishermen’s awareness of regulations while fishing offshore

Source: bienphong

Translated by Mai Huong