Sr. Lt. Gen. Nguyen Tan Cuong addresses the event.

Present at the event were Deputy Chiefs of the General Staff Lieutenant Generals Huynh Chien Thang, Ngo Minh Tien, and Phung Si Tan, and representatives from the General Staff’s functional agencies.

According to a report at the conference, in February, the General Staff seriously directed units in the whole military to maintain their combat readiness status; firmly manage designated airspace, sea, border and inland areas, and key localities; and thoroughly grasp and roll out a decree on military-defense affairs in 2022 by the Chief of the General Staff.

In addition, military units joined hands with local forces to ensure social order and security for events on the occasions of the lunar New Year and the 92nd founding anniversary of the Communist Party of Vietnam.

Meanwhile, the whole military and localities completed the recruitment work, ensuring the set target and absolute safety despite the complicated developments of the COVID-19 pandemic. After that, the General Staff ordered military units to prepare for and start to train new recruits in line with implementing the disease prevention and control work.

At the event

Furthermore, the General Staff also paid due attention to bettering documents on the implementation of Resolution No.05 of the Politburo on organizing the Vietnam People’s Army in the 2021-2030 period and the following years. Besides, military units actively responded to and mitigated consequences of natural disasters, prevented the pandemic, and conducted search and rescue operations.

In his concluding speech, General Cuong highly valued efforts of the General Staff’s organs to fulfill assigned tasks last month. In line with carefully evaluating issues that may impact on defense-military missions, the chief of the General Staff requested them to further direct the whole military to promote combat readiness, closely follow local situations, and be ready to deal with any emerging circumstances.

They should also instruct military units to regularly practice their combat readiness status shifting plans, submit proposals to the Defense Minister on directing exercises in the Central Region Theater, focus on training programs especially for new recruits, and conduct combined training exercises for final year cadets of military schools.

Gen. Cuong presents flowers to Gen. Tien.

At the same time, General Cuong underlined the need of further ensuring cyber-security and fight against crimes in cyberspace, while effectively carrying out search and rescue missions, improving competence of the militia force, and fostering defense external affairs, to name but a few.

Also at the conference, General Cuong presented flowers to General Tien who has been granted with the First-class Feat-of-Arms Order by the State President for his outstanding contribution to the country’s pandemic prevention and control work.

Translated by Minh Anh