Lt. Gen. Nguyen Van Nghia addresses the teleconference. (Photo: mod.gov.vn)

In 2021, units in the whole military competed at 53/169 domestic competitions, bagging 478 medals, including 180 golds, 144 medals, and 154 bronzes. They also broke 15 national records and took part in international contests.

During the competitions, athletes strictly observed all regulations of the organizing boards. In addition, chains-of-commands attached importance to training and honing skills of their soldier-athletes.

Addressing the event, General Nghia requested the whole military units to further focus on promoting traditional sports which are strengths of the military while developing personnel and young talents in these fields for the military, so as to be ready for the ninth National Sports Festival in 2022 to gain the best results.

Translated by Minh Anh