State President Vo Van Thuong handing over the rank promotion decision to the GDP's Deputy Director Trinh Van Quyet

Defense Minister General Phan Van Giang and GDP Director General Luong Cuong were among participants of the ceremony.

Presenting the decision on promoting the rank of Lieutenant General to Senior Lieutenant General to Mr. Trinh Van Quyet, the state leader confirmed that the decision demonstrated the Party, State, and military’s interest and trust in Gen. Quyet. It was also the honor and pride of the Central Military Commission, leaders of the Ministry of National Defense (MND) and the GDP, and Gen. Quyet himself.

President Vo Van Thuong stressed that Gen. Quyet is an eminent cadre of the Party, State, and military, who has held different positions at all levels in the military and gained many outstanding achievements in military building and defense consolidation.

State President Vo Van Thuong speaks at the event.

According to the state leader, in any circumstances and conditions, the senior officer is always absolutely loyal to the Party, the Fatherland and the people, keeps a firm stance and revolutionary morality of a Party member, a military cadre, and an Uncle Ho’s soldier. He also exerts great efforts to complete all assignments excellently, deserving the trust of the Party, State, and military.

Given higher responsibility and more duties to Gen. Quyet in the coming time, President Vo Van Thuong asked him to uphold the stance of a Party member and a military general, show absolute loyalty to the Party, the Fatherland, the military, and the people, and well perform his duties.

Gen. Quyet was also urged to constantly strive, uphold revolutionary morality, be modest, simple, close to troops and people, frequently practice self-criticism and criticism, resolutely fight against corruption and negative phenomena, and set a shining example for troops to follow.

Defense Minister General Phan Van Giang presenting congratulation flower to Sr. Lt. Gen. Trinh Van Quyet
GDP Director General Luong Cuong congratulating Sr. Lt. Gen. Trinh Van Quyet on his rank promotion

The state leader requested Gen. Quyet to continue promoting solidarity and unity in the Central Military Commission (CMC) and the GDP to direct the military to effectively realize the Party’s guidelines and the State’s policies and laws on military-defense missions, Party and political work in the military, building of a revolutionary, standardized, elite, gradually-modernized, politically-, ideologically-, morally- and organizationally-strong military with synergy and high combat readiness to safeguard the Fatherland early and from afar.

Expressing deep gratitude to the Party, State, the CMC, the MND, ministries, departments, localities, and the state president, Gen. Quyet affirmed that he will embrace the state leader’s direction, be absolutely loyal to the Party, the Fatherland and the people, pro-actively study and follow President Ho Chi Minh’s teaching, undertake and fulfill all tasks assigned by the Party, State, military, and people.

Translated by Mai Huong