The establishment of Division 308 marked a historical milestone, symbolizing the significant development of the military and playing an essential role in building the military capable of meeting the requirements of the resistance war.

Upholding the “Vanguard, brave, united, disciplined, fast, determined to fight, and determined to win” tradition the Vanguard Division, Division 308 is carrying out the mission of receiving modern weapons and equipment, building itself into a mechanized infantry division with strong firepower and high mobility, ready to fulfill the requirements and missions in the new situation.

Regular division of Vietnam People’s Army

Seventy-five years ago, in the sacred atmosphere in Viet Bac, General Vo Nguyen Giap, Commander-in-Chief of the National Army and the self-defense militia forces, read the decision on the establishment of the division. According to the decision, the unit was tasked to be at the forefront in destroying enemy forces.

A view of the ceremony to establish Division 308 on August 28, 1949 (File photo)

After its establishment, the division quickly stabilized its organization, focused on training, and participated in combat. The division was entrusted with key battles, holding strategic significance on the battlefields. During the resistance war against the French colonialists, the division participated in a total of 13 campaigns, including the Dien Bien Phu Campaign. In acknowledge of its feats-of-arms, the division was awarded the “Determined to Fight and Determined to Win” flag by President Ho Chi Minh. During his lifetime, President Ho Chi Minh visited the division five times. Notably, on September 19, 1954, at the Hung Kings Temple in Phu Tho province, before the division left Viet Bac to take over the capital city, President Ho Chi Minh said, “The Hung Kings established the country; we must together safeguard it.” President Ho Chi Minh’s teaching became a sacred command for the entire army, especially for the officers and soldiers of Division 308. Upholding the teaching, the division successfully completed the task of taking over the capital and along with the people and soldiers nationwide joined the building of socialism in the North.

Troops of Regiment 102 under Division 308 of Army Corps 12 in training

During the resistance war against the U.S. imperialists, the unit took part in major campaigns including Route 9-Khe Sanh in 1968, Route 9-Southern Laos in 1971, and Tri-Thien in 1972. It served as a strategic reserve, protecting the North and being ready to participate in combat in the South when ordered. The division was formed by units rich in combat experience, such as Regiment 102, Regiment 88, Regiment 36, and Artillery Regiment 58.

Notably, dozens of officers of the division became generals, including Senior Lieutenant General Song Hao, Lieutenant General Vuong Thua Vu, Senior Lieutenant General Dang Vu Hiep, among others. They held important positions in the military and the nation.

Pioneering in building elite, compact, strong unit

Upholding the tradition of the Vanguard Division, in recent years, Division 308 has consistently fulfilled its training, combat readiness, defense diplomacy missions and other urgent tasks assigned by the Ministry of National Defense and Army Corps 12.

Particularly, thoroughly grasping and strictly implementing directives, resolutions, and plans on building an elite, compact, strong military, Division 308 has developed into a full-strength mechanized infantry division. Together with adjusting and adding personnel and reorganizing work position, the unit has closely coordinated with local party committees and authorities in building barracks and expanding training grounds. It has actively conducted ideological education and information dissemination. 

Mechanized Infantry Division 308’s troops learning about the unit’s traditions

Over the past time, the division has strictly observed combat readiness regulations; compiled and completed combat readiness documents. The unit has coordinated with local authorities to well respond to natural disasters, conduct search and rescue missions. It has also focused on synchronized, in-depth training suitable for mission requirements of each group, especially mechanized infantry force in conditions where the enemy uses high-tech weapons in complex terrains. Thanks to training, troops have mastered the weapons and equipment; proficiently used artillery, communication devices mounted on vehicles.

Additionally, the division has paid attention to traditional education, political and ideological education, ensuring that officers and soldiers have a firm political stance, absolute trust in the leadership of the Party, and the country’s renewal process. Based on a deep understanding of resolutions, directives, regulations, and guidance from higher levels, the division has directed the comprehensive, synchronized implementation of measures to build a party organization that excels in its tasks, an agency, and unit that is comprehensively strong, exemplary and outstanding.

With numerous glorious achievements in the resistance wars against the French colonialists and U.S. imperialists, Division 308 has been awarded the Ho Chi Minh Order, six Labor Orders, and 96 Military Exploit Orders. The division, its 12 units and 11 individuals, have been honored with the title of Hero of the People’s Armed Forces and many other prestigious awards.

Translated by Tran Hoai