At the event, Major General Luu Sy Quy, Director of the MND’s Financial Department, reported on enterprises’ production and business situations, and made proposals to handle financial difficulties that these enterprises are facing. Other delegates contributed their opinions, made analyses on objective and subjective reasons, and suggested solutions to help the enterprises brace difficulties.

Gen. Giang addresses the event.

In his concluding speech, Gen. Giang shared with difficulties facing military enterprises over the past time, especially in the context that the global situation is still developing complicatedly and the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic remain huge.

Delegates during the working session

Pointing out shortcomings, limitations that agencies, units and enterprises must focus on to fix in the coming time, the defense leader emphasized the need for relevant agencies and units to strengthen supervision; enterprises to regularly review, analyze and evaluate their operational and financial situations, develop plans, and promptly deal with financial problems and backlogs. Enterprises were also asked to pay attention to developing production and business strategies and plans, and investment plans.

Lieutenant General Nguyen Van Gau, Deputy Chief of the General Department of Political Affairs, speaking at the event

General Giang requested leaders of governing agencies and units to continue studying the development model of each enterprise according to their capacity and registered industry; pro-actively adjusting and rearranging personnel organization in an elite, compact, strong and effective direction; and accelerating the administrative reform. They were urged to boost IT application, and digital transformation to governance to avoid wastefulness and ineffectiveness.

An overview of the working session 

Apart from aforementioned tasks, enterprises were reminded to concentrate on their main spearhead industries, and strengths; be cautious when engaging in joint ventures, limit investment outside their major areas, especially those that they have fewer strengths and advantages.

In addition, functional agencies of the MND must pro-actively work with ministries and departments to find solutions to remove difficulties and obstacles, increase charter capital to improve pro-activeness, helping military enterprises operate smoothly and efficiently, Gen. Giang said.

Translated by Mai Huong