Defense Minister General Phan Van Giang speaks at the event.

The defense chief made the request at a working session with the two departments on the implementation of and disbursement for the MND’s programs and projects on August 4.

At the working session, representatives of the two departments reported that the MND’s disbursement rates in the first seven months of this year were higher than the national ones on average.

In order to speed up the disbursement, the MND has issued a number of documents to adjust dozens of projects with low disbursement or inability to be fully disbursed to allocate the capital for new projects signed by the Prime Minister for the 2021-2025 period and approved by the MND for investment in 2022.

In his concluding speech, General Giang lauded the two departments and the MND’s relevant agencies for thoroughly grasping their duties and active implementation of State and Government-assigned plans. He also praised them for giving timely recommendations to the MND leaders to direct units in the whole military to carry out tasks and put forth the disbursement of public investment capital in 2022.

At the working session

Regarding the speeding up of disbursement, General Giang asked relevant agencies and units to regularly update the progress of projects and disbursement, make specific reports on difficulties facing each project to the MND leaders to direct the settlement.

Inspection, supervision, and audit work should be implemented strictly to ensure the publicity and transparency of capital disbursed for projects.

The defense minister also stressed budget priority to urgent missions, such as disease and disaster prevention, search and rescue.

He also asked relevant units to review the feasibility of procurement and production of technical equipment, and reallocate capital between lowly-disbursed and possibly-disbursed projects in the year.

Translated by Mai Huong