As reported, in the first seven months of this year, the three factories overcame difficulties, well performed their assigned missions. In particular, they effectively repaired and produced weapons and technical equipment, engaged in and carried out studies, built in-depth programs and projects, upgraded technological lines, applied new technologies to production, repair, and improvement of such lines, and observed regulations on labor safety.

Sr. Lt. Gen. Pham Hoai Nam works with Factory A41.

They also seriously implemented Party and political work, built comprehensively-strong units. In addition, the whole factories promoted internal solidarity and unity, and the spiritual and material life of the cadres, employees, and workers have been raised.

Working with the factories’ leaders, Gen. Nam applauded their utmost efforts and completion of all assignments in the past. He asked them to continue to embrace the Politburo’s Resolution No.8 on further developing defense industry by 2030 and the following years.

The deputy defense minister requested these factories to invest more in modern production lines, apply and master new technologies, bolster partnership between and among factories to promote the highest strength of each of them, creating production capability to effectively serve the production and business operations.

He also urged them to pro-actively seek more orders, speed up production of goods for civilian purposes, and ensure jobs for workers, foster a contingent of cadres, engineers, and workers with high skills and ready to undertake defense duties, and more.

Gen. Nam assigned relevant agencies under the Ministry of National Defense (MND) to studying and making suggestions to the MND’s leaders to deal with remaining problems facing the factories.

Translated by Mai Huong