The event was attended by Deputy Chief of the General Staff Lieutenant General Nguyen Van Nghia.

The art of commando operation was the result of thousands of years of building and protecting the country, and imbued with the national identity.

Under the leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam and President Ho Chi Minh, the corps was founded on March 19, 1967 in Phung Khoang commune, Tu Liem district, Hanoi, (currently Thanh Xuan district, Hanoi).

During the 56 years of construction and growth, the corps has overcome difficulties to fulfill all assigned missions, contributing to the cause of national construction and defense.

At the event, the commando troops also presented the delegates with a number of special performances such as camouflage, shooting skills, and combat martial arts, among others.

Earlier, on March 14, the Commando Corps held a martial arts exchange. This was an occasion for participants to share experience and raise their competence, while deepening relations between the commando force and units inside and outside the military.

Here are some photos during the event held on March 15.

Lieutenant General Nguyen Van Nghia and delegates witnessing a performance of commandos
Using AK to destroy a fixed target
Using K-54 pistol to shoot targets
Opening fire of Micro Uzi submachine gun while riding a motorcycle
Cadets of the Commando Officers Candidate School getting over obstacles
Flying across fire circles
Breaking bricks with bare hands
Combatants practicing acts of martial arts

Translated by Song Anh