The event was chaired by the GDP’s Deputy Director Senior Lieutenant General Trinh Van Quyet and attended by the GDP’s Deputy Director Lieutenant General Le Quang Minh. 

Sr. Lt. Gen. Trinh Van Quyet chairs the conference.

During the event, Gen. Quyet briefed agencies and units’ leaders on key contents of the ninth plenum of the 13th Party Central Committee. He said that after two and a half days, the session completed all set contents. 

With a high sense of responsibility, delegates contributed important ideas to the draft of the political report of the 13th Party Central Committee to the 14th National Party Congress; the draft of a report on the five-year implementation of the socio-economic development strategy in the 2021-2030 period; the draft of the Party Central Committee’s report on Party building work.

A view of the conference

At the session, the Party Central Committee discussed and approved the report on important work that the Politburo has resolved from after the 8th plenum to the 9th Plenum, and some key tasks from the 9th to the 10th plenum of the 13th tenure.

The GDP’s conference aimed to create high consensus and unanimity among officers with the 9th session’s contents. The general department will continue to lead and direct the implementation of set programs and plans and strive to comprehensively accomplish tasks, thus creating the premise for the organization of party congresses at all levels towards the 14th National Party Congress.

Translated by Tran Hoai