Lt. Gen. Nguyen Van Duc (center) speaks at the working session.

The Lao delegation comprised officials from the Department of Political Education and Information, the Department of Social Insurance, and the Department of Basic Building under Laos’ GDP.

At the meeting, Lt. Gen. Nguyen Van Duc and Col. Vilaxay Somsak briefed each other on activities of their departments and the outcomes of the two sides' cooperation over the past time.  

They emphasized that the two sides have strictly and effectively carried out the cooperation plan between the two defense ministries. Notably, they have focused on dissemination and education about the great friendship, special solidarity, and comprehensive cooperation between the two parties, states, militaries, and peoples in the new situation. They have cooperated to popularize the tradition of the two militaries, thus enhancing troops’ awareness of the combat alliance between the two militaries and two nations.  

An overview of the working session

Lt. Gen. Nguyen Van Duc and Col. Vilaxay Somsak also exchanged experience in conducting political and ideological education and combating wrongful allegations on the internet and social media. 

On the basis of the cooperation plan between the two defense ministries and the two GDPs in 2023, the two sides agreed to foster cooperation in information dissemination and education about the importance of strengthening the great friendship, special solidarity, comprehensive cooperation between Vietnam and Laos in the new situation and combating hostile forces’ schemes of sabotaging and splitting the Vietnam - Laos ties. They will also work together to organize activities to celebrate important events of the two countries and two militaries and strengthen cooperation in communications.

The two delegations in a joint photo

Both officials said that their meeting was one of the practical activities to consolidate the friendship and special solidarity between the two countries, especially when the two parties, states, militaries, and peoples are holding activities to mark the 46th anniversary of the signing of the Vietnam - Laos Treaty of Amity and Cooperation (July 18, 1977 - 2023), the 78th National Day of Vietnam (September 2, 1945 - 2023) and the 48th National Day of Laos (December 2, 1975 - 2023).

Translated by Tran Hoai