Defense Minister General Phan Van Giang

At the meeting, General Giang said that over the past years, COVID-19 pandemic has badly impacted fields on global scale. Situations in the region and the world have developed complicatedly and unpredictably. Meanwhile, non-traditional security challenges, such as diseases, climate change, natural disasters, water security, have emerged strongly and been beyond the scope and control of all countries, affecting security of each country and the region. Therefore, as Vietnamese defense minister stressed, it needs the joint efforts of ASEAN member states in general and ASEAN armies in particular to take prompt response, promote development and recovery process, build an environment of peace, stability and cooperation, and ensure a peaceful life for the people.

The Vietnamese defense chief highly appreciated ACAMM-23’s theme “ASEAN armies cohesively collaborate for peace” and the outcomes of the meeting. He praised delegations for sharing of issues of common concern, proposing cooperation initiatives to respond to emerging security threats, and boosting ties among ASEAN armies and militaries, thus actualizing ASEAN Vision 2025 and consolidating united, resilient, adaptive ASEAN Community.

On the occasion, General Giang congratulated ASEAN contingents on excellent duty completion at AARM-30. He stressed that the event was not only a shooting competition, but also a chance for ASEAN armies to exchange, learn from one another, enhance understanding, solidarity and friendship, and learn more about the host’s military, land, people, and traditional culture.

At the meeting

General Giang expressed his belief that with high determination of senior leaders, thorough preparations, and hospitality, Thailand will successfully organize ACAMM-24, AARM-31, and ASMAM-11 next year, contributing to tightening ASEAN armies’ cooperation and cohesion.

On behalf of the guests, Chief of the Royal Thai Navy General Narongpan Jittkaewtae and Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces and Chief of the Royal Cambodian Army General Hun Manet congratulated Vietnam on succeeding in hosting ACAMM-23 and related activities. They stressed the outcomes of the meeting which was held in the offline format in Hanoi instead of virtual one over the past two years due to COVID-19.

Both generals expressed their hopes that Thailand will successfully hold ACAMM-24, AARM-31 and ASMAM-11, thus enhancing cooperation among ASEAN armies and contributing to regional peace, stability, and development.

Translated by Mai Huong