Accordingly, the shooter competed in five categories, namely rifle, men’s pistol, women’s pistol, carbine and machine gun.

Firers approaching the firing line

As a result, regarding team content, the Philippines, Malaysia, and Vietnam ranked first, second, and third, respectively. Meanwhile, in carbine category, Thailand, Indonesia, and the Philippines won first, second, and third prizes, respectively.

Firers of the women's pistol event

Besides, Vietnam bagged the first prize, followed by Thailand and Indonesia in men’s pistol category while Thailand sustained the first award, followed by Vietnam and the Philippines in women’s pistol category. Vietnam also ranked first in machine gun category, followed by the Philippines and Indonesia.

Firers of Cambodia in the machine gun competition event 

Concluding the first day of competition, Vietnam came out on top, while Indonesia and the Philippines ranked second and third, respectively.

Firers checking their targets after finishing the round

On the same day, the AARM-30’s organizing panel awarded the winners. Major General Tran Van Ba, Deputy Director of the Department of Military Training under the General Staff of the Vietnam People’s Army, chaired the awarding ceremony.

On November 8, the athletes entered the second day of the competition.

At the awarding ceremony at the National Training Center No.4
The AARM-30’s organizing panel awarding the winners

Translated by Minh Anh