According to Tran Duc Son, Deputy Party Secretary and Head of Personnel Organization Department of PV Gas, Tran Nhat Huy was Director of Vung Tau Gas Processing Company.

Tran Nhat Huy (center) receiving the appointment decision

Born in 1979, Tran Nhat Huy is a young and active leader with outstanding task performance and achievements in technical innovation of the petro industry. Having graduated from the Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Huy started working as an engineer in the field and then was promoted to head of the operation team of Dinh Co Gas Processing Plant under Vung Tau Gas Processing Company under PV GAS. 

In October 2006, he was one of the first officials to undertake missions at Ca Mau Gas Company under PV GAS and held the position of Deputy Head of the Production Engineering Department, then was appointed as head of the department, Deputy Director and Director of Ca Mau Gas Company in 2009. In 2015, Mr. Tran Nhat Huy was appointed as Director of Vung Tau Gas Processing Company and holds the position until now.

Speaking at the decision announcement ceremony, Party Secretary and Head of Board of Directors of PV Gas Duong Manh Son affirmed that the appointment of new official further demonstrated the company’s sound policies and its leaders’ recognition of young employees’ ability. He asked the newly-appointed Deputy General Director to quickly carry out his duties and strive to make great contribution to the company.

At the appointment decision announcement ceremony

At the event, newly-appointed Deputy General Director Tran Nhat Huy considered the appointment great responsibility and encouragement to fulfill all future missions. He also expected to receive further assistance from leaders and employees of PV Gas and its departments and units to realize the target of building and developing PV Gas.

Translated by Tran Hoai