A scene in the play. Photo: baotintuc.vn
The play, which has been adapted from “The Tale of Kieu” by writer Nguyen Hieu, will be directed by People’s Artist Pham Anh Tu.

The Director of the Vietnam National Drama Theatre said that "We set up the "Kieu" play with the aim of giving audiences, especially young ones, a new exciting insight into this literary work.”

The play features the arduous life of Thuy Kieu, a beautiful and talented young woman who had to sell herself into Ngung Bich brothel to save her father from prison.

The “Kieu” play highlights realistic values, unveiling feudal social injustice and brutality in the late 18th century and the early 19th century, and at the same time reflecting numerous pain and misery of people, especially women, in the feudal society.

Additionally, the “Kieu” play also shows people’s aspirations for the right to live and the right to freedom, justice, love and happiness.

Director, People’s Artist Pham Anh Tu said that the play also presents a test as it will combine a number of art genres, such as singing, dance and rapping, on a stage with a new layout style.

The “Kieu” play will be performed on March 1-10 at the Vietnam National Drama Theatre, No.1 Trang Tien, Hanoi.

Source: CAND

Translated by Linh Chi