The 2013 Russian Culture Days kicked off on November 12 in the presence of President Truong Tan Sang and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin.

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Addressing the opening ceremony in the Opera House in Hanoi, President Sang affirmed that Vietnam and Russia share a long history of relations and loyal friendship.

To Vietnamese people, Russia is an intimate and great friend, he said, stressing that Vietnam is always grateful to Russia for its priceless support and help to the country during its past struggle for independence as well as current national construction and development.

Underlining the importance of cultural cooperation between the two countries, President Sang said the Russian culture is familiar to many generations of Vietnamese people with melodies, songs and art works.

He said the event, which coincides with the 96th anniversary of the Russian October Revolution and the Vietnam visit of President Putin, will make practical contributions to strengthening the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries.

This is also a chance for Vietnamese people and foreign friends in the country to learn more about the Russian culture, he added.

The Russian President said Vietnam-Russia ties are growing strongly in all fields, including investment, science and technology, and education. The cooperation is fuelled by a firm foundation of traditional friendship and deep mutual understanding, he stressed.

President Putin expressed his belief that bilateral ties will be further consolidated and developed for mutual benefit.

Many activities will be organised during the event, including an exhibition showcasing 200 artefacts featuring Russia’s handicrafts and traditional costumes of Russian women in the 18th -20th centuries and a display of 63 copies of art works from Russia’s State Museum of Oriental Art, one of the largest museums in Europe.

Source: VNA