At the summit

He reiterated Vietnam’s commitments in cooperating with other ASEAN member states to further promote gender equality and women’s empowerment, contributing to shaping a sustainable, inclusive and resilient future of the region and the world at large.

Putting forth a number of recommendations to inspire and unleash women’s potential in business, the PM said it is crucial to enable female entrepreneurs to sustainably contribute to the national growth by advancing a legal framework facilitating the development of a gender-responsive business environment. He stressed the need to encourage women to gain access to and participate in the law-policy making and enforcement.

Gender mainstreaming must be done inclusively, at local, national and regional levels and in all sectors, particularly female-dominated professions, he told the summit, adding that it is also important to enhance resilience of women-led businesses and female entrepreneurs to help them adapt to changing business climate and new trends such as green economy and digital transformation.

Participants at the event

He later stressed the necessity to raise public awareness of gender equality and promote women’s empowerment at the national, regional and global levels in order for the entire society to move “from awareness to action.”

The ASEAN Women Leaders’ Summit was firstly held by Vietnam as ASEAN Chair in 2020. It aims to provide a high-level forum for advancing gender equality and women’s empowerment, and placing women at the centre of efforts to build the ASEAN Community.

This year’s summit was themed “Building a More Sustainable, Inclusive and Resilient Future: Unlocking Women’s Entrepreneurship in ASEAN.”

Source: VNA