Senior Colonel Bui Dai Hai is the key speaker of the conference.

Senior Colonel Bui Dai Hai, Deputy Director of the Political Department of the Vietnam Coast Guard, attended and delivered a speech at the event.

In his speech, Colonel Hai informed the participants about sea and islands-related situations, the role and importance of the sea and islands in the current Fatherland construction and defense cause of Vietnam, the consistent viewpoints and policies of the Party and State of Vietnam on the country’s sovereignty over the Hoang Sa (Paracel) and Truong Sa (Spratly) archipelagoes.

The event attracts nearly 500 Youth Union cadres and members.

The participants also learnt about basic contents of the U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982, Vietnam's Law of the Sea 2013, and the Vietnam Coast Guard Law 2018.

Apart from aforementioned contents, the official introduced to the Youth Union cadres and members the traditions, functions, tasks, powers, and outstanding achievements of the Vietnam Coast Guard over the past 25 years.

The conference aimed to equip, orient, build trust, and determine responsibilities for Youth Union cadres and members, helping them have deep awareness of the sovereignty over and importance of the sea and islands in the cause of building and safeguarding the socialist Vietnam.

Senior Colonel Bui Dai Hai talks to Youth Union members.

Speaking highly of the event, Truong Thi Quynh Anh, Secretary of Nam Tu Liem district's Youth Union organization, said that it helped each local Youth Union cadre and member better understand the national sea and islands and the Vietnam coast guard force. From that, they will take practical and effective actions to contribute to the firm protection of national sovereignty over sea and islands in the new period.

Translated by Mai Huong